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Clinical Hypnotherapy
in West Sussex

Psychotherapist, Kirstie Flood BA (Hons), DIP IDM, CHP(NC), DHP(NC), ADHP (NC), MUKCP

A growing number of people visit their doctors suffering with disorders such as migraines, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome and dermatological issues. These issues are often medically unexplained even though the symtoms are very real and often appear when the body responds to stress and/or unhappiness.

Trials are supportive in the use of clinical hypnosis as an intervention in the treatment of these issues. 

If you feel this is something you would like help with, contact me for more information.


Therapy Sessions

Everybody wants to get the most out of life but that feeling can be blocked for reasons you may or may not understand.


This can leave you feeling frustrated, anxious, low and confused. I understand how and why that can happen and will create an individual plan to help you resolve it. 



Contact below to book a free

30-minutes consultation.

Royal Society of Medicine
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Kirstie Flood

Hello, I’m Kirstie. I’m a UKCP registered psychotherapist working in person, and online in West Sussex. I offer an integrated therapeutic approach using clinical hypnotherapy as one of a range of psychotherapy interventions, to help you make the changes you need to move on with your life.


I am a recognised provider of psychotherapy by health insurers including AXA, Vitality and AVIVA. I can also offer online therapy to those living overseas and funding privately or via BUPA Global.

We will work together looking at solutions. Helping you get back on with your life using bespoke therapy that is as unique and as individual as you are, because your happiness matters.


That's how I can help



Getting Help

Sessions last for one hour and a treatment plan will be discussed with you in your first session. Telephone consultations always take place prior to arranging therapy. These are free and take around 30 minutes.

Phobias - Panic Attacks - Anger - Anxiety  - Depression - Weight Control - Insomnia  - Migraines - IBS - Trauma - Self Esteem - Stress - Chronic Pain - Grief -
ADHD - Autism 

Self-Confidence - Smoking - Internet Addiction - Obsessions and Compulsions - Excessive Worrying - Public Speaking - Relationship Issues - Guilt or Shame - Social or Personal Inhibition and Shyness - Sports Coaching 

Contact Me

I'm conveniently located in Hurstpierpoint, Hassocks close to Haywards Heath and Burgess Hill. Please complete the contact form on the right to enquire about a free consultation.


Please note I only work with adults (those aged over 18 years).


I am a recognised provider of psychotherapy with the medical insurers, including AXA Health, Vitality, BUPA Global and AVIVA.


Read Hypnotherapy West Sussex Code of Ethics and Practice here and accessibility statement here.

Kirstie Flood

Hurstpierpoint, Hassocks,

West Sussex, BN6


07419 311566


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